Pickleball is an increasingly popular racquet sport, promoted by the Lawn Tennis Association. It's a simpler, more accessible, game than tennis. It is also played in a smaller court, allowing us to mark out two pickleball courts ‘underneath’ the tennis lines on our court.

Social Pickleball sessions are held on Monday evenings between 6 and 8pm (May through September). This is very much about encouraging anyone to simply turn up and play. Beginners are absolutely welcome and it is all about just joining in. The games are quick turnaround with a game lasting around 10-15 minutes. With two courts, even with a dozen or more people, no one will be sitting out for long.

There are a number of paddles (racquets), balls and a couple of nets kept in a storage box that has been donated, so no need to invest in your own paddle (until you are hooked on the game).

There is also a ‘Sandy Point Pickleball’ WhatsApp group. To join please use this link: Sandy Point Pickleball